welcome to
crossroads international church
Crossroads is a community of people from very diverse backgrounds. We are all at different stages of learning what it means to live like Jesus. Whether you are still exploring faith or have been a Christian for a long time, you will be welcome at Crossroads. We believe we all have a next step to take.
We welcome you to our live service at 09:30 (with kids programmes) and 11:30 at the Hermann Wesselink College.
You can also follow our service on livestream every Sunday at 09:30.
Need prayer? Our prayer team is ready to pray for you.

We all have God-given gifts and talents to serve one another. Join a serving team for you next step in the Discipleship Pathway at XRDS.
Join a LIFEgroup, discover ways your kids can get connected or find out how you can reach out to your neighbours.
online resources
Subscribe to our newsletter, access an extensive Bible study video streaming library, or catch up on a missed sermon.