XRDS Men – Marriage & Communication

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Marriage and communication… it is a very popular timeless topic everywhere.

We invite all the men in Crossroads and beyond to come in this special meeting where we will discuss this topic.

Stefan Campher will lead the discussion and workshop on how to recognise the challenges, building blocks to properly listen and communicate, and at the end of the day maintaining a healthy relationship with your spouse.

Whether you are a married man, in a relationship or still single, this is going to be useful for you, so do not miss it!

PS: MEN ONLY (women are not invited)

Register Now


  • When: Thursday, 4 April 2024
  • Time: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Where: Crossroads Community Center, Bovenkerkerweg 49, 1185XA, Amstelveen