
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will the Community Centre be used for?

With this place, we want to emphasize community. Being more accessible, visible and hospitable to the people around us. A place to draw people in and start community building across all ages. A place where we could start a Saturday night service with a different feel. An incubator for starting alternative communities. A place to invite the international community, by hosting coffee mornings, language classes and so on. A place that is ‘gezellig’ and inviting, where you would like to hang out and have a coffee. A place our youth can call home. And of course a place for all the activities we are currently hosting in our current community centre.

  • Will we leave the school?

We will still use the school for our weekend services. The community centre will be for our weekday and other weekend needs.

  • What will it cost?

Purchase price € 1.865.000

Purchase costs € 186.500

Renovations € 50.000

Total € 2.101.500

  • How will we finance the building?

We aim to raise a minimum of € 150.000 from our community and take out a mortgage of € 600.000. We hope we will raise a lot more so that we can keep the mortgage lower.

  • How can I get involved or give input?

You can of course give. See our how to give page for more information. If you want to help with the move or renovations: please send an e-mail to