On this page you will find links and resources to all of the content material needed to lead the XRDS Kids program. Also helpful links to our policies, procedures and resource requests. In the future we hope to add additional training material to help you serve better.
Vision and Values
We believe that kids are not only the church of tomorrow, but also the church of today. We believe they should be a valued and integral part of our church. As part of XRDS we want XRDS kids to be a part of what we are doing as a church, one church with one unified vision.
Our vision for XRDS Kids is to partner with families to see kids encounter Jesus, embrace one another and engage the world in age appropriate ways. All this to prepare and equip them for life as they grow in age and maturity within our faith community.
You can read our extended vision and values here.
Curriculum Access
The following links will give you access to the XRDS Kids group material. Please click on the respective image for access. Inside the main directory of each folder there is also a .pdf explaining the folder structure and how to make use of the contained files.
If you have trouble accessing these links, please clear your cookies and restart your browser. This is mostly due to Office accounts you make use of.
Craft and Worship Resources
The following links are in addition or supplementary to the curriculum material listed above.
Creatief Kinderwerk offers great craft material suggestions for our Dutch groups. Please use the following login details for Creatief Kinderwerk:
Username: Crossroads
Password: xrdskids
Have a look at our xrdskids YouTube channel under the playlists, you will find song suggestions for you to use on a Sunday to build on your program.
For some great interactive activities or games have a look a Youth Group Games.
Please make use of the Resource Request Form if you are in need of any materials for your classroom.
Resource Request FormPinterest also has a wealth of ideas and creative suggestions for crafts.
Policies and Procedures
Crossroads seeks to provide a safe, secure and loving environment for children to participate in and where parents feel comfortable leaving their child. The following document details the policies and procedures which govern the safety of our leaders and kids.
Child Safety PolicySchedule Management
Please use the following link to access Planning Centre Services our main platform through which we organise our schedules. Once you are logged into your personal account you should be able to see the teams and services you are a part of, and importantly manage your availability. Apps are also available for easy access via mobile.