Crossroads Community Centre
These are exciting times at Crossroads! We have found a new community centre, our bid has been accepted and the members voted unanimously in favour of purchasing the building. For the past several years we have been searching for a new community centre. All of a sudden the Lord started opening one door after another. Some substantial gifts came in already, so we are able to negotiate a mortgage at the bank. It really looks like we found a new home! Our plans for this new Community Centre exceed what we have done thus far at the Community Centre.
With this place, we want to emphasize community. Being more accessible, visible and hospitable to the people around us. A place to draw people in and start community building across all ages. And of course a place for all the activities we are currently hosting in our current community centre.
As a community we want to stand together and trust God that we are able to raise enough money to pay for the new Community Centre without having to take out a mortgage.
Minimum goal € 150.000
The minimum we must raise in addition to money already saved and pledged in order to get a mortgage at the amount that the members voted on
Keep the same budget goal € 250.000
This would allow us to pay the same amount in building costs as we presently are paying in office rent
Pay it all goal € 750.000
This would allow us to be debt free and buy the community centre without taking a mortgage
To make this a reality we ask you to do several things:
- Take time to talk with God about this. Ask Him to put on your heart what He wants you to give. If you have a spouse, pray about it together.
- Make a commitment before Christmas. We have a window of six weeks to close a deal with the bank. The more we have raised before we sign for a mortgage, the better.
We are asking all of us for equal commitment, not equal giving. We know that some people in our community are able to give more than others. We are asking all of us to sacrifice and to give above and beyond our regular giving to Crossroads as our home church. We will still need your regular generous offerings for our ongoing ministry, so make this an opportunity to give cheerfully and generously as a multiplier of what you already give.
But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
- 2 cor 8:7
DONATE for the building
All gifts are tax deductible. We have set up a separate bank account for the building:
For other ways to give like periodic giving or giving in US dollars: click here
For more information: visit our FAQ here